Motorola/Freescale 68HC12 Family

NoICE for the 68HC12 may be used with

Most HC12 variants include two or more hardware breakpoints, which NoICE can use to set breakpoints on code in Flash or EPROM memory.

In addition to this document, you may wish to read the NoICE HC12 Tutorial at It contains step-by-step examples of configuring and using NoICE for HC12.

There are many flavors of 68HC12, and Motorola/Freescale comes out with more all the time. The following table shows the 68HC12 variants currently supported by NoICE. Our documentation may lag our actual support. The definitive list of chips supported by any version of NoICE is the list shown in the Target Communications dialog, which is derived from the files config/NoICE12_targets.ini.

We have carefully constructed the support files based on the latest Motorola/Freescale documentation, but we do not have the resources to verify NoICE with all of these targets. If you have any problems, questions about a specific target, or need support for a target not listed here, please Contact us.

Processor VariantComments
Generic HC12 No hardware breakpoint, no Flash. Just about any system with code in RAM. Not usually the one you want to use.
MC9S12A64 Has two 24-bit hardware breakpoints
MC9S12A128 Has two 24-bit hardware breakpoints
MC9S12A256 Has two 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
Some masks have BDM-versus-PLL bug (MUCTS00436). NoICE sets CLKSW as a work-around
MC9S12A512 Has two 24-bit hardware breakpoints
MC9S12B128 Has two 24-bit hardware breakpoints
MC9S12C32 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
Tested on Technological Arts MicroCORE12.
MC9S12C64 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
Some chips have incorrect PARTID: they are actually C128 parts, labelled as C64.
MC9S12C128 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
(DG, DP, DT, etc.)
Has two 24-bit hardware breakpoints
(DG, DP, DT, etc.)
Has two 24-bit hardware breakpoints
(DG, DP, DT, etc.)
Has two 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
Some masks have BDM-versus-PLL bug (MUCTS00436). NoICE sets CLKSW as a work-around.
Tested on Elektronikladen HCS12 T-board and Technological Arts Adapt9S12DP256.
(DG, DP, DT, etc.)
Has two 24-bit hardware breakpoints
MC9S12E64 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints. Some chips have incorrect PARTID: they are actually E128 parts, labelled as E64.
MC9S12E128 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
Tested on Technological Arts Adapt9S12E128.
MC9S12E256 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
MC9S12H256 Has two 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
Some masks have BDM-versus-PLL bug (MUCTS00436). NoICE sets CLKSW as a work-around
MC9S12HZ256 Has two 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
Some masks have BDM-versus-PLL bug (MUCTS00436). NoICE sets CLKSW as a work-around
MC9S12KG128 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
MC9S12KT256 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
MC9S12NE64 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
MC9S12UF32 Has two 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
MC9S12XA128, 256, 512 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
MC9S12XB128, 256 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
MC9S12XD128, 256 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
MC9S12XDG128 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
MC9S12XDP512 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
MC9S12XDQ256 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
MC9S12XDQT56, 512 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
MC9S12XEP100 Has three 24-bit hardware breakpoints.
68HC812A4 RAM No hardware breakpoint, no Flash. Code must be in RAM.
Tested on Axiom CMD12A4, Elektronikladen HC12compact, Technological Arts Adapt-812DX
68HC912B32 Has two 16-bit hardware breakpoints.
Tested on Axiom CME12B32
68HC912D60/D60A Has two 16-bit hardware breakpoints.
68HC912DG128/DG128A Has two 16-bit hardware breakpoints. Caution is advised if paging is used, as breakpoints are 16-bits only.
Tested on Elektronikladen Card12.
68HC912DT128/DT128A Has two 16-bit hardware breakpoints. Caution is advised if paging is used, as breakpoints are 16-bits only.

Classic NoICE Monitor

In the classic monitor, interrupts for RESET, CLOCK FAIL, COP, ILLEGAL OP-CODE, SWI and XIRQ enter the monitor and report a processor state which names the interrupt. All other interrupts are routed through RAM vectors. These RAM vectors are initialized to enter the monitor and report a processor state which names the interrupt. If user code changes the contents of a RAM vector, that interrupt will be passed to the user-specified routine without entering the monitor.

Note that there are no default handlers or other reporting for interrupts when BDM is used.

With the classic monitor, unique processor states are reported in the title bar for

3 Clock Monitor Fail (FFFC)
4 COP Fail (FFFA)
5 Illegal Op-code (FFF8)
6 IRQ (FFF2)
7 Real Time Interrupt (FFF0)
8 Timer Channel 0 (FFEE)
9 Timer Channel 1 (FFEC)
10 Timer Channel 2 (FFEA)
11 Timer Channel 3 (FFE8)
12 Timer Channel 4 (FFE6)
13 Timer Channel 5 (FFE4)
14 Timer Channel 6 (FFE2)
15 Timer Channel 7 (FFE0)
16 Timer Overflow (FFDE)
17 Pulse Accumulator Overflow (FFDC)
18 Pulse Accumulator Input Edge (FFDA)
19 SPI (FFD8)
20 SCI 0 (FFD6)
21 SCI 1 (FFD4)
22 ATD (FFD2)
23 Interrupt FFD0
24 Interrupt FFCE
25 Interrupt FFCC
26 Interrupt FFCA
27 Interrupt FFC8
28 Interrupt FFC6
29 Interrupt FFC4
30 Interrupt FFC2
31 Interrupt FFC0

Other processor state values will be shown numerically. Interrupts 23 through 31 have different meanings in different members of the HC12 family. You can change the default strings for these or any other interrupt by means of the STATETEXT command.

While the single byte instruction SWI is preferred for use as a breakpoint instruction, JSR may be used with appropriate modification of the target monitor. When using BDM, the bgnd instruction is used for breakpoint.

The basic monitor, MONHC12.ASM, is less than 1024 bytes in length, and uses about 256 bytes of RAM. The monitor may be assembled with the AS12 assembler available from Motorola/Freescale's Freeware BBS, or with the Dunfield assembler. Other assemblers may be used if the appropriate changes are made to pseudo-ops and source file formatting. No monitor is required when using BDM.

Additional information is available about customizing target monitors

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