In this section, we describe each field in the Registration editor, and each line of a Registration, showing where it comes from if you create the Registration on the piano, and some information about the range and purpose of the setting.
You can get more information about most of these items in the “Various Settings (Function Mode)” section of the Owner's Manual for your piano, available on the Roland website.
"registrationPedalShift": 0,
This is the value of “Reg. Pedal Shift”, (Function 23 on the FP-90) when the file is exported. 0 = off, 1 = left pedal, 2 = center pedal. This item is at the top of the Registration file, and affects all Registrations.
If the value is not "off", pressing the specified pedal will advance to the next Registration. In this case, the specified pedal cannot be used for any of the other pedal functions.
"name": "ConcertPiano",
Specifies a name for the Registration. As entered when the Registration is saved. Twelve or fewer characters from the following set: A through Z; a through z; 0 through 9; the symbols ! ? & $ \ # @ + - * / % = . , ' " : ; ( ) [ ] { } < > ^ _ ` ~ and space. The ampersand (&) is rather odd looking on the piano's LCD. If you specify more than twelve characters, only the first twelve will be shown.
Shown on the LCD when the Registration is selected.
"comment": "Hi Mom",
Notes, or a description of the Registration and its features.
This field is not a standard part of the UPG file. It was added to our editor to aid in understanding the capabilities of Registrations. Notes/comments fields in a Registration file will be ignored by the piano. A Registration file exported by the piano will not contain any Notes/comments fields.
Specifies the main Tone to be used for the Registration. If “Split” mode is active, then this is “Right Tone”. If “Dual” mode is active, this is “Tone 1”.
The editor shows a drop-list, from which you can select a Tone by Name. The Registration file specifies the Tone by its MIDI components, Bank and Program. The editor converts between the formats.
You can read more about Tones, or look up the bank and program numbers in the “MIDI Implementation Manual” for your piano, available in the Owner's Manual secction of the Roland website.
"singleToneMSB": 0,
"singleToneLSB": 68,
"singleTonePC": 0,
Bank and Program Number of the current Tone when the Registration is saved.
Because of the way MIDI defines program numbers, the number you enter for singleTonePC must be one less than the value shown in the “PC” column of the Tone List. Thus, “Concert Piano” is shown in the document as MSB = 0, LSB = 68, PC = 1. It appears in the UPG file as 0, 68, 0 (see above).
When a Registration is selected, these values are transmitted on the MIDI channel specified by midiTxCh as CC 0, CC 12, and PC.
"upperVolume": 100,
Setting of the “Upper” Part fader when the Registration is saved. 0 to 100.
Note that when you select a Registration, this value overrides the position of the Upper Part fader and sets the volume of the part. If you subsequently move the fader, the new fader value will be used.
When a Registration is selected, transmits MIDI CC7 on the channel specified by midiTxCh.
"ambienceType": 2,
Value of Ambience Type when the Registration is saved.
This item is present on the FP-60X and FP-90X, but not on the FP-60 or FP-90
"ambience": 2,
Value of Ambience or Ambience Depth when the Registration is saved. 0 (none) to 10 (large space).
When a Registration is selected, a value based on ambience is transmitted using CC 91 (Effect 1 Depth) on MIDI channels midiTxCh, 3, and 6. The MIDI value is scaled so that an ambience value of 10 transmits a MIDI CC value of 127.
"modulationSpeed": 0,
Range 0 to 100. The effect of this value differs for different Tones. For example:
For a complete list, see the "Modulation Amount" and "Modulation Effect" columns in more about Tones.
You can change this value on the piano by holding the current Tone button (Piano, Electric Piano, etc.), and pressing the metronome slow and fast buttons. The adjusted value is shown on the LCD. You can use this to determine whether or not a given Tone allows a modulation effect: if it doesn't, pressing the buttons won't show a modulation value.
Rather oddly given the name, modulationSpeed is not affected by MIDI CC1 (modulation). Instead, you can change it by sending MIDI CC12 (Effect 1) to the piano. However, received CC12 affects all channels, which seems to be a bug, or at least undesirable on a multi-timbral instrument like this one.
"rotarySpeed": 0,
0 (off) or 1 (on). This sets the initial value of the rotary speaker effect on or off. It operates only on certain of the electronic Organ voices. For a complete list, See the "Rotary Effect" column in more about Tones. The speed seems to be fixed (except for the ramp-up when you engage the effect, and ramp-down when you disengate it), so the name isn't really accurate.
When a Registration is selected that allows this effect, transmits a value of 0 or 127 on MIDI CC12.
If you have one of the electronic organ Tones selected, you can toggle this value by pressing “Organ” again. But the button toggle doesn't work in Registration mode.
If the center or left pedal is assigned to pedal function 10 ("Rotary"), you can toggle the effect on and off with the pedal, using this Registration setting to set the initial value.
"keyTouch": 50,
Value of “Key Touch” (Function 1 on the FP-90) when the Registration is saved. 0 (fixed) to 100.
"keyTranspose": 0,
Value of Transpose, “Kbd Transpose”, when the Registration is saved. -6 to +5.
This setting also transposes MIDI note messages sent by the keyboard.
"keyTransposeSw": 0,
Value of Transpose on/off, “Kbd Transpose”, when the Registration is saved. 0 or 1.
This item is present on the FP-60X and FP-90X, but not on the FP-60 or FP-90. It enables or disables Transpose without changing the value of "keyTranspose"
"songTranspose": 0,
Value of Transpose, “Song Transpose” when the Registration is saved. -12 to +12.
"keyboardMode": 0,
Value of Single/Split/Dual mode when the Registration is saved. 0 = single, 1 = split, 2 = dual.
"lowerVolume": 100,
Setting of the “Lower” Part fader when the Registration is saved. 0 to 100.
Note that when you select a Registration, this value overrides the position of the Lower Part fader and sets the volume of the part. If you subsequently move the fader, the new fader value will be used.
When a Registration is selected, transmits MIDI CC7 on channel 3 and 6.
The editor shows a drop-list, from which you can select a Tone by Name. The Registration file specifies the Tone by its MIDI components, Bank and Program. The editor converts between the formats.
You can read more about Tones, or look up the bank and program numbers in the “MIDI Implementation Manual” for your piano, available in the Owner's Manual secction of the Roland website.
"splitLowerToneMSB": 0, "splitLowerToneLSB": 67, "splitLowerTonePC": 32,
Value of “Split - Left Tone” when the Registration is saved.
See the explanation for singleToneMSB above to see how to determine these values. The 0, 67, 32 shown here is “Ac.Bass wRel”: MSB = 0, LSB = 67, PC = 33.
When a Registration is selected, these values are transmitted on MIDI channel 3 as CC 0, CC 12, and PC.
"splitPoint": 54,
Value of “Split - Point” when the Registration is saved. This is a MIDI note number. Middle C (C4) is MIDI note number 60. The split point in the factory Tones and Registrations is 54, which corresponds to F#3, the F-sharp below middle C.
"splitUpperOctaveShift": 0,
Value of “Split - Right Shift” when the Registration is saved. -2 to +2.
This setting also transposes MIDI note messages transmitted by the keyboard.
"splitOctaveShift": 0,
Value of “Split - Left Shift” when the Registration is saved. -2 to +2.
This setting also transposes MIDI note messages transmitted by the keyboard.
The editor shows a drop-list, from which you can select a Tone by Name. The Registration file specifies the Tone by its MIDI components, Bank and Program. The editor converts between the formats.
You can read more about Tones, or look up the bank and program numbers in the “MIDI Implementation Manual” for your piano, available in the Owner's Manual secction of the Roland website.
"dualTone2MSB": 1, "dualTone2LSB": 67, "dualTone2PC": 49,
Dual: as selected for Tone 2 when the Registration is saved.
See the explanation for singleToneMSB above to see how to determine these values. The 1, 67, 49 shown here is “SymphonicStr1”: MSB = 1, LSB = 67, PC = 50.
When a Registration is selected, these values are transmitted on MIDI channel 6 as CC 0, CC12, and PC.
"dualTone1OctaveShift": 0,
Value of “Dual - Tone1 Shift” when the Registration is saved. -2 to +2.
This setting also transposes MIDI note messages sent by the keyboard.
"dualOctaveShift": 0,
Value of “Dual - Tone2 Shift” when the Registration is saved. -2 to +2.
This setting also transposes MIDI note messages sent by the keyboard.
"damperPedalPart": 0,
Value of “Damper Pedal Part” (Function 18 on the FP-90) when the Registration is saved. 0 = both, 1 = right/Tone1, 2 = left/Tone2.
The function of the left pedal is always "Damper".
"centerPedalPart": 0,
Value of “Center Pedal Part” (Function 20 on the FP-90) when the Registration is saved. 0 = both, 1 = right/Tone1, 2 = left/Tone2.
"centerPedalFunc": 0,
Value of “Center Pedal” (Function 19 on the FP-90) when the Registration is saved. 0 Sustenuto (standard piano function). Also sends CC 66 when the pedal is pressed. 1 Play/stop switch. Start and stop recorded songs. 2 Layer. An analog pedal like the DP-10 will control the volume of dual Tone 2 and send CC 11 on MIDI channel 6. 3 Expression. An analog pedal will affect the volume of all Tones. Also sends MIDI CC 11. 4 Master expression. An analog pedal will affect the volume of all Tones, but sends no MIDI. 5 Bend up (analog). Also transmits MIDI pitch bend. 6 Bend down (analog). Also transmits MIDI pitch bend. 7 Modulation (analog). Controls vibrato on most Tones. Also sends MIDI CC 1. 8 Microphone double switch 9 Microphone echo switch 10 Rotary on/off. A toggle which affects only certain organ Tones. Also sends MIDI CC 12 with value 0 for off and 127 for on on alternate presses.
Note that this setting will be ignored if Registration Pedal Shift is set to "center pedal."
"leftPedalPart": 0,
Value of “Left Pedal Part” (Function 22 on the FP-90) when the Registration is saved. 0 = both, 1 = right/Tone1, 2 = left/Tone2.
"leftPedalFunc": 0,
Value of “Left Pedal” (Function 21 on the FP-90) when the Registration is saved. 0 Soft (standard piano function). Also sends CC 67. 1 Play/stop switch. Start and stop recorded songs. 2 Layer. An analog pedal like the DP-10 will control the volume of dual Tone 2 and send CC 11 on MIDI channel 6. 3 Expression. An analog pedal will affect the volume of all Tones. Also sends MIDI CC 11. 4 Master expression. An analog pedal will affect the volume of all Tones, but sends no MIDI. 5 Bend up (analog). Also transmits MIDI pitch bend. 6 Bend down (analog). Also transmits MIDI pitch bend. 7 Modulation (analog). Controls vibrato on most Tones. Also sends MIDI CC 1. 8 Microphone double switch 9 Microphone echo switch 10 Rotary on/off. A toggle which affects only certain organ Tones. Also sends MIDI CC 12 with value 0 for off and 127 for on on alternate presses.
Note that this setting will be ignored if Registration Pedal Shift is set to "left pedal."
"midiTxCh": 1,
Value of “MIDI Transmit Ch.” (Function 31 on the FP-90) when the Registration is saved. 0 = off, 1 to 16.
This value specifies the channel used to send MIDI messages about the single Tone, the right Tone of a split, or Tone 1 of a dual. The left Tone of a split always sends on MIDI channel 3, and Tone 2 of a dual always sends on MIDI channel 6 regardless of the value of midiTxCh.
"registrationTxCh": 0,
Value of “Reg. Transmit Ch.” (Function 26 on the FP-90) when the Registration is saved. 0 = off, 1 to 16.
"registrationBankMSB": 0,
"registrationBankLSB": 0,
"registrationPC": 0
Values of "Reg.BankMSB", "Reg.BankLSB", and "Reg.BankPC" (Functions 27, 28, 20 on the FP-90) when the Registration is saved.
The explanation for singleToneMSB above shows how to determine these values for Roland Tones. But these settings are more likely to be send to another MIDI device, so the appropriate values must be determined from that device's specifications.
These values are transmitted on registrationTxCh when the Registration is selected. But, key-press information is not sent on registrationTxCh, but on midiTxCh, so I don't know how useful it would be. I suppose if you had a foot clavier for bass, this could change the patch of that device as part of a Registration. But even then, you would need a MIDI merge between the piano and the clavier.
"micCompSw": 0,
Value of Mic Effects: Comp. (compressor) when the Registration is saved. 0 = off, 1 = on.
"micCompType": 1,
Value of Mic Comp Type when the Registration is saved. 0 = soft, 1 = normal, 2 = hard.
"micDoublingSw": 0,
Value of Mic Effects: Doubling when the Registration is saved. 0 = off, 1 = on.
Can be controlled by pedal function 8 (microphone double switch).
"micDoublingType": 0,
Value of Mic Doubling Type when the Registration is saved. 1 or 2 voices.
"micDoublingWidth": 1,
Value of Mic Doubling Width when the Registration is saved. light, normal, deep.
"micDoublingLevel": 10,
Value of Mic Doubling Level when the Registration is saved. 0 to 10.
"micEchoSw": 0,
Value of Mic Effects: Echo when the Registration is saved. 0 = off, 1 = on.
Can be controlled by pedal function 9 (microphone echo switch).
"micEchoType": 0,
Value of Mic Echo Type when the Registration is saved. 0 to 7.
"micEchoLevel": 5,
Value of Mic Echo Level when the Registration is saved. 0 to 10.
"twinPianoMode": 0,
On the FP-60X and FP-90X, this is the value of Twin Piano when the Registration is saved. Twin Piano splits the keyboard in two, each with a middle C, in order to let two people play duets in the same pitch range.
The FP-60 and FP-90 do not have the Twin Piano feature, but this item is still found in Registration files, where it seems to have no effect. If you did want Dual Piano Mode on an FP-60 or FP-90, you could program a split, and shift the octaves of each half to the desired range
"splitBalance": 0,
I don't know what this does. It is 0 in all the default Registrations.
I can imagine some usefulness in being able to pan left and right Tones between the speakers. But I changed splitBalance to -5 and +5 and couldn't hear any difference.
"dualBalance": -5,
As with splitBalance, I don't know what this does. It is -5 in all the default Registrations.
Updated 3 July 2023. Copyright © 2023 by John Hartman, The Old Bald Geek.