Old Bald Geek's Roland FP-60/FP-90/FP-60X/FP-90X Registration Editor Version 2.1
This simple editor allows you to edit custom Registration files from and
for the Roland FP-60, FP-90, FP-60X, and FP-90X digital pianos. To use the editor:
Select the type of piano (alas, the file details differ)
Specify a UPG file to edit using one of the buttons below.
Select a row in the list of Registrations.
Use "Edit Row" (or double-click the row) to make changes to the selected Registration.
For explanations of an item, click the "?" nearest the item or its group.
Use the buttons on this page to change the order of the Registrations, or to
make a copy of a Registration for further editing.
The "Location" column shows where the Registration will appear for selection
on the piano. For example, to select a Registration with locaion "E.Piano 2",
press the piano's "Registration" button, press "E.Piano", and press "+".
When you are done, use "Download edited file" to save the result to a file
on your computer.
Copy the saved file onto a USB Flash drive, and import it to the piano
by using Function “Reg. Set Import.” Note that the piano uses old-school
DOS-style filenames: eight or fewer characters, a dot, and a UPG extension.
So you may need to rename the file appropriately before the piano will load it.